Fitness 7 Days Master Upgrade Course at Chakra Yoga Center

Immerse yourself in the transformative power of yoga at the “7-Day Yoga Fusion Retreat” at Shantaya Yoga Retreat, Thailand. This retreat is a unique blend of traditional yoga practices and modern therapeutic techniques, designed to rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit. Nestled in the serene landscapes of Thailand, Shantaya Yoga Retreat offers an oasis of tranquility, where you can deepen your yoga practice, explore your inner self, and reconnect with nature. Join us for a week of holistic wellness and experience the profound impact of Yoga Fusion on your overall well-being.

  • Ko Pha Ngan, Surat Thani, Thailand
  • Languages: English, Thai
  • Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Contact For Price

Unfolding Self-Mastery: Five Decades of Chakra Yoga

Chakra Yoga, an ancient practice rooted in the Indian subcontinent, is a profound system that offers a comprehensive view of the human reality, encompassing mind, energy, and body. Its origins can be traced back to the Vedas, ancient scriptures that served as the foundation of Hindu culture. The philosophy of Chakra Yoga is centered around self-mastery and the ability to direct one's life from within, fostering impeccable health and creative potential. It delves beyond physical postures, exploring the realm of energy fields known as Chakras, which are integral to our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. This practice empowers us to consciously influence our molecular structure, reshaping our glands and organs, and rebooting our minds to embrace limitless possibilities.


  • The "7 Days, Master Upgrade Course, at Chakra Yoga Center" is the final course that delves into the details about the chakras from both a scientific and mythological perspective.
  • This course is designed for students seeking personal growth, development, and higher altered states of consciousness.
  • The course is not recommended for those wanting to be asana instructors in the fitness world of normal yoga studios.
  • The Master Upgrade course provides a comprehensive education in the full science of yoga.
  • The course is based on the strong foundations of Chakra Yoga that David has built over a lifetime of study and practice.
  • The course includes the usual postures, taught with pranayama techniques and explanations of physiological benefits.
  • The Master Upgrade course provides comprehensive knowledge of all aspects of Yoga.
  • The course has been taught for 21 years, and is now incorporated in the Master Program.
  • The course is offered online as well as in person at the Thailand center.
  • The time and effort you put into mastering your mind during this course give you benefits that last not only the rest of your life but beyond and into the kind of beyond you consciously choose.

Skill Level

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

Yoga Styles


At the Chakra Yoga Center, we offer an immersive experience for guests attending the "7 Days, Master Upgrade Course". Nestled in the serene surroundings of Ko Pha Ngan, Thailand, our center provides a tranquil environment conducive to deep learning and personal growth. The accommodation is designed to support the intensive nature of the course, ensuring comfort and convenience for all participants.

During the course, guests will have the opportunity to engage in detailed teacher training, delve into the intricacies of body functions, physiology, and anatomy, and explore the self-mastery techniques that form the core of yoga. The course is led by experienced practitioners who are deeply involved in the practice and teaching of Chakra Yoga.


At Chakra Yoga, we offer a variety of amenities, accommodations, and services to enhance your yoga experience and journey towards self-discovery. Here are 10 of them:

  • Master Teacher Training Course (TTC)
  • Online Yoga Classes
  • Chakra Yoga Classes
  • Chakra Healing Services
  • Quantum Sound Therapy
  • Cancer Remission Support
  • Samkhya Science Education
  • Quantum Physics Education
  • Personalized Guidance from Experienced Instructors like David and Swami Gitananda
  • Contact and Support Services via Email and Phone.

Transform, Evolve, Master: Your Journey Begins Here

Immerse yourself in the profound knowledge and practice of Chakra Yoga with our advanced program. This comprehensive course, built on the strong foundations of Chakra Yoga, offers an in-depth education in the science of Yoga, both online and in-person. Our unique approach combines traditional postures with pranayama techniques, providing a deeper understanding of the physiological benefits and empowering our human nature. Our program is more than just a course; it's a journey into self-mastery. It delves into the forces that motivate us, the obstacles we face, and the methods to transcend them. This transformative experience is not only an investment in your yoga practice but also a pathway to lasting benefits that extend beyond the mat and into your daily life.

Classes and Activities

During the "7 Days, Master Upgrade Course" at Chakra Yoga Center, we offer a variety of classes and activities designed to enhance your understanding and practice of Chakra Yoga. Here are the key components of the course:

  • Concentration & Meditation: This class presents a series of techniques for concentration, Dhyana, with innovative use of technology for re-programming the mind. It also includes an empowerment of the image function of mind; Imagination.
  • Membership: With a membership, you can join us in our Online Continuing Education. This includes one extended class per week taught by David through the Zoom meeting app. These classes revolve around the Chakra Yoga System from a scientific perspective.
  • Extended Class per Week: This is a guided instructional class with discussion & feedback. New videos on the research and science are produced regularly. All classes are recorded for later viewing.
  • Staying Connected: Being part of the group and maintaining contact with the teacher provides motivation and support.
  • Progressive Content: The content of classes will be progressive and move into various techniques which are rarely taught in conventional yoga classes.
  • Adaptable Level: The level of these classes will be adapted to the level of participating students.
  • Discounts on Special Courses: Regular students will receive discounts on special courses offered.
  • Teacher Training: The first part of the course is a very detailed Teacher Training with an intricate explanation of body functions, physiology, anatomy, and how to tune everything up at the level of our physical existence.
  • Self-Mastery Techniques: In the second month, the training moves into the self-mastery techniques that have been the core of yoga for thousands of years.

Sample Daily Schedule

Key Activities in the Advanced Program

  • Introduction to the Chakra Yoga System: This is the first step in the journey, where participants are introduced to the Chakra Yoga system, its origins, and its significance. This includes an understanding of the 9 forms of Yoga and the different places around the world with Pyramids/yoga practices, all connected.
  • Basic Breath Training Workshop: Breath is the life force, and this workshop focuses on the art of complete deep breathing. Participants learn the 3-Part Breath Training, which is integral to the practice of Chakra Yoga.
  • Chakra System Study: The program delves deep into the study of the Chakra System, divided into two parts. The first part covers Chakras 1-5, and the second part covers Chakras 6-9. Each chakra is studied in detail, including its associated glands, organs, and psychological aspects.
  • Yantra Yoga and Laya Kundalini: These are specific forms of yoga that are part of the advanced program. Yantra Yoga focuses on geometric forms and their spiritual significance, while Laya Kundalini is about awakening the dormant energy within.
  • Dharana – Contemplation: This is a crucial part of the program where participants learn how to deal with the mind through contemplation and concentration techniques. This includes innovative use of technology for re-programming the mind and empowering the image function of mind; Imagination.
  • Membership and Continuing Education: The advanced program also includes a membership plan, which offers one extended class per week taught by David through the Zoom meeting app. These classes revolve around the Chakra Yoga System from the scientific perspective, progressing into the use of sound and visual concentration techniques.

The advanced program at the Chakra Yoga Center is a transformative journey that goes beyond the physical practice of yoga. It is about

What is included:

The advanced program at the Chakra Yoga Center, guided by David Goulet, offers a comprehensive education in the science of Yoga. This program is an expansion of the techniques learned in the level 1 teacher training course. It includes a variety of courses such as the Anti-Virus Program, which educates about the biology and physiology of our immune system, and the Chakra System Parts 1 and 2, which delve into the energy world of the chakras. The program also offers courses on asana flows, breathing practices, yoga nidra, contemplation, and concentration techniques. These courses are designed to awaken healing forces for self-healing and aiding others in healing terminal and chronic degenerative diseases. The program is available both online and in person at the Thailand center.

What additional services are available:

At Chakra Yoga, we offer a plethora of services beyond our core yoga practices. These services are designed to enhance your understanding of the Chakra system, improve your overall well-being, and deepen your connection with your inner self.

  • Introduction to the Chakra Yoga System: This program provides a comprehensive overview of our unique approach to yoga, focusing on the nine fundamental energies or Chakras.
  • Basic Breath Training Workshop: Breath is the life force, and this workshop aims to teach you how to harness it effectively for better health and mindfulness.
  • Ekadasi Pranayama Psychological Detox: This service is designed to cleanse your mind and spirit, using the power of Pranayama or breath control.
  • The Chakra System Part 1 (1-5): This course delves into the first five Chakras, providing in-depth knowledge and practices to balance these energy centers.
  • The Chakra System Part 2 (6-9): Continuing from Part 1, this course explores the remaining Chakras, further enhancing your understanding and mastery of the Chakra system.
  • Yantra Yoga: A unique form of yoga that combines movement and visual symbols (Yantras) to achieve a meditative state.
  • Laya Kundalini: This service focuses on awakening the Kundalini energy, believed to lie dormant at the base of the spine, for spiritual enlightenment.
  • Anti-Virus Program: A holistic approach to boost your immunity and overall health, keeping diseases at bay.
  • Dharana – Contemplation: This program teaches the art of Dharana, a form of meditation that involves intense concentration.
  • Master Upgrade: An advanced course for those who wish to deepen their practice and knowledge of Chakra Yoga.

In addition to these, we also offer a Concentration & Manifestation course and a monthly Membership program. Each of these services is designed to cater to the diverse needs of our students, providing them with a holistic and enriching experience at Chakra Yoga.

What is not included:

At Chakra Yoga Center, we offer a comprehensive "7 Days, Master Upgrade Course" that delves into the scientific and mythological aspects of chakras. However, it's important to note that there are certain elements not included in this course.

  • Firstly, the "7 Days, Master Upgrade Course" does not include the "Introduction to the Chakra Yoga System" program. This introductory course provides a detailed overview of Yoga, Chakras, and their integration into a system, which is not covered in the Master Upgrade Course.
  • Secondly, the "Basic Breath Training Workshop" is also not part of the Master Upgrade Course. This workshop focuses on the fundamental aspects of breath training, a crucial part of yoga practice.
  • Thirdly, the "Ekadasi Pranayama Psychological Detox" program, which is designed to cleanse the mind and body through specific breathing techniques, is not included in the Master Upgrade Course.
  • Fourthly, the two-part "The Chakra System" program, which provides an in-depth exploration of the chakra system, is not incorporated into the Master Upgrade Course.
  • Fifthly, the "Yantra Yoga" program, a unique form of yoga that combines movement and meditation, is not part of the Master Upgrade Course.
  • Lastly, the "Laya Kundalini" program, which focuses on awakening the dormant spiritual energy within, is not included in the Master Upgrade Course.

While these six programs are not included in the "7 Days, Master Upgrade Course", they are integral parts of our broader curriculum at Chakra Yoga Center. Each program offers unique insights and techniques that contribute to a holistic understanding and practice of Chakra Yoga.

What is in the package?

The "7 Days, Master Upgrade Course" with Chakra Yoga is a comprehensive package designed to provide an in-depth understanding of yoga, specifically focusing on the Chakra Yoga System. This program is divided into two levels, with the first month dedicated to Teacher Training. This includes a detailed explanation of body functions, physiology, anatomy, and techniques to enhance our physical existence. Detox techniques for the physical body and psychological detox are also part of this initial phase.

The second month delves into self-mastery techniques that have been at the core of yoga for thousands of years. These techniques aim to master the mind, allowing you to re-center in peaceful consciousness anytime. This phase also marks the beginning of the journey into the chakras, an amazing development of human potential.

The course is led by experienced practitioners, Zola and Bruce, who have extensive experience in the practice and teaching of Chakra Yoga. Zola, with 6 years of experience, has studied Vinyasa TTC and Ashtanga TTC and spent the last two years integrating the Chakra Yoga System. Bruce, on the other hand, has been deeply involved with Chakra Yoga for the last year and manages many aspects of the Pyramid center.

The package also includes a membership plan, which invites you to join our Online Continuing Education. This involves one extended class per week taught by David through the Zoom meeting app, revolving around the Chakra Yoga System from a scientific perspective. The classes progress into the use of sound and visual concentration techniques, followed by a discussion for your questions and answers.

The training is divided into multiple courses, including asana flows, breathing practices, yoga nidra, contemplation, and concentration techniques, as well as meditation. Some of these courses are geared towards awakening healing forces for self-healing and aiding others to heal terminal and chronic degenerative diseases.

The experience is further enriched with the counselling of a qualified psychologist and a yogi who has been working with this technique for 50 years. You will also learn about the 9 forms of yoga in a dynamic and creative way. Daily yoga classes are part of the package, focusing on poses that accelerate the foundations of your internal organs. Additionally, concentration techniques to delete and re-program, and meditation are included.

Zoom classes with the instructors will be every third day, providing a platform to discuss your questions and unique issues. The total cost of the full program is US 2754

Unique Features

Chakra Yoga distinguishes itself from other yoga practices through its unique focus on the nine fundamental energies, or Chakras, that make up the universe. Unlike other forms of yoga that primarily cater to the physical body, Chakra Yoga encompasses a broader spectrum of human reality. It offers nine distinct forms of yoga, each designed to empower and transform a specific energy center. This comprehensive approach allows practitioners to explore not just the physical, but also the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of their being. From Hatha Yoga's emphasis on physical postures to Raja Yoga's focus on mind control, Chakra Yoga provides a holistic path towards self-realization and evolution.


David is a truly rare yogi with almost 5 decades of personal practice and exploration in Chakra Yoga. His dedication and persistence in his craft…


Nestled in the heart of Thailand, Chakra Yoga finds its home on the serene island of Ko Pha Ngan, located in the Surat Thani province. This tranquil haven is a paradise for those seeking inner peace and spiritual growth. The center is situated amidst lush greenery, with the address being 58/34 Moo 8 Ko Pha Ngan. The island is renowned for its rich biodiversity, offering a serene environment that complements the holistic approach of Chakra Yoga. The province of Surat Thani, known for its natural beauty and cultural heritage, further enhances the experience, making Chakra Yoga not just a journey of self-discovery, but also a cultural immersion.

Cancellation Policy

  • A reservation requires a deposit of 30% of the total price.
  • The deposit is non-refundable, if the booking is cancelled.
  • The rest of the payment should be paid on arrival.
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You can send your enquiry via the form below.

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