Detox 7 Days, Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreat in Thailand

Immerse yourself in the transformative power of the 7 Days Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreat offered by Open to Bliss Retreat. Nestled in the serene landscapes of Thailand, this retreat is a profound journey into the realms of healing, tantric practices, and the intricate mind-body-sex/spirit connection. It’s an opportunity to clear your subconscious system, evolve with natural health, and find greater satisfaction in love. Inspired by Osho’s work and Taoist practices, this retreat is a deep dive into self-discovery and personal evolution. Join us and experience the transformative power of Tantric Yoga.

  • Thailand
  • Languages: English, Thai
  • Meals Inluded
  • Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Contact For Price


Open to Bliss Retreat, founded by Satyama, is a sanctuary for self-discovery and personal growth. Rooted in the philosophy of self-love, our teachings aim to heal and restore balance, rather than merely satisfying individual desires. We believe in the transformative power of meditation, whether silent, active, or through focused presence, as the cornerstone of our practice. Our retreats, held in the serene landscapes of Thailand, offer a blend of yoga, meditation, and tantra, inviting participants to delve deeper into their inner selves. Authenticity, we believe, is a natural byproduct of spirituality and meditation.


  • The 7 Days, Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreat is held in Thailand.
  • The retreat is scheduled from August 31 to September 6, 2023.
  • The retreat is facilitated by Satyama, an Osho Sanyassin with 14 years of experience.
  • The retreat focuses on Tantric Yoga, a blend of classical hatha and neo-tantric methodology.
  • Participants will learn about yoga asana and pranayama and their connection to chakras.
  • The retreat includes authentic tantric rituals such as transfiguration or Maituna.
  • The retreat promotes natural healing through emotional, spiritual, and sexual maturation.
  • The retreat is designed to provide a deep understanding of the path of Love.
  • The retreat is hosted by Open to Bliss, a company offering training in tantra, yoga, Tantric Yoga, and Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage.
  • The retreat is inspired by Osho’s work and Taoist practices.

Skill Level

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced


At Open to Bliss Retreat, we offer an immersive 7-day Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreat in the serene landscapes of Thailand. Our guests are accommodated in tranquil settings that align with the natural rhythms of nature, promoting deep rest and rejuvenation. The retreat package, priced at 1,099 Euro for singles and 1,599 Euro for couples, includes not only the transformative yoga sessions but also food and accommodation. We encourage our guests to specify their accommodation preferences upon registration to ensure a comfortable and enriching stay. This retreat is a profound journey of emotional, spiritual, and sexual maturation, promising a life-changing experience.


  • Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreats
  • Women’s and Men’s Tantric Initiation Days
  • Chi Nei Tsang Level 1 and Level 2 Training
  • Taoist Osho Tantra Training
  • Tantric Yoga Teacher Training
  • Bliss Yoga Retreats
  • Online 1-1 Yoga Sessions (Hatha, Sivananda, Yin, Tantric, Vinyasa)
  • Tantric Awakening Sessions
  • Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Massage
  • Personalized Healing Services

Seven Days of Tantric Yoga

Immerse yourself in a transformative journey that blends classical hatha and neo-tantric methodologies. This retreat offers a unique opportunity to delve into yoga asana and pranayama, exploring their connection to chakras, sublimation, and bandha work. Authentic tantric rituals such as transfiguration or Maituna are also part of the experience, fostering emotional, spiritual, and sexual maturation. The retreat is facilitated by Satyama, an Osho Sanyassin with 14 years of experience, ensuring a profound and enriching learning experience. Participants leave with a renewed sense of self, having experienced mind-blowing expansion and deepened understanding of the path of Love.

Classes and Activities

Based on the provided information, the Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreat at Open to Bliss Retreat in Thailand offers the following classes and activities:

  • Classical Hatha Yoga
  • Neo-Tantric Methodology
  • Yoga Asana and Pranayama
  • Connection to Chakras
  • Sublimation
  • Bandha Work
  • Authentic Tantric Rituals such as Transfiguration or Maituna
  • Connection of Tantra to Yoga
  • Neo-tantra ways to connect via Osho’s path of teaching experiential learning
  • Natural healing through emotional, spiritual and sexual maturation
  • Soul and mind-blowing expansion
  • Taoist Tantric Practices and Rituals

Please note that the specific schedule and availability of these activities may vary, and it is recommended to contact Open to Bliss Retreat directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Classes and Activities:

At the Open to Bliss Retreat's Tantric Yoga Intensive in Thailand, participants engage in a variety of activities designed to promote emotional, spiritual, and sexual maturation. A typical day begins with energizing Osho active meditations and Tantric Yoga practice, followed by a group vegetarian Thai-fusion lunch. Afternoons are dedicated to educational and practical work on yoga and tantra, including sublimation through Uddiyana Bhanda, a natural healing technique for the digestive system and health of the sexual organs. Participants also learn about massage techniques and role-play, and engage in community and dance activities in a temple setting. The day concludes with body-mind awareness training, communication, and energetic matching exercises.

What is included:

The intensive Tantric Yoga retreat in Thailand, offers a unique blend of classical hatha and neo-tantric methodologies. Participants learn the 5 principles of Tantric Yoga through morning practices. The retreat is designed to deepen understanding of yoga asana and pranayama, and their connection to chakras, sublimation, and bandha work. Authentic tantric rituals such as transfiguration or Maituna are also part of the experience. The retreat facilitates natural healing through emotional, spiritual, and sexual maturation, leading to soul and mind expansion. It caters to individuals at different stages of their journey towards understanding the path of Love.

What additional services are available:

At Open to Bliss Retreat, we offer a wide range of services designed to promote healing, self-love, and spiritual growth. Here are 10 additional services that you can avail:

  • Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreat: This is a deep dive into healing, tantric practices, presence, and complete comprehension of the deeper mind-body-sex/spirit connection. It is inspired by Osho’s work and Taoist practices.
  • Chi Nei Tsang Level 1 and Level 2: These are training programs focused on Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage, a discipline that promotes holistic wellness.
  • Taoist Osho Tantra Training: This training is designed to help individuals learn about the disciplines of tantra and yoga.
  • Tantric Yoga Teacher Training: This service is for those who wish to become certified tantric yoga teachers.
  • Online Sessions 1-1: Choose your style from Hatha, Sivananda, Yin, Tantric, Vinyasa. These sessions are conducted via Zoom.
  • Tantric Awakening Sessions: These are online sessions customized for your healing, love life, and evolution via the path of truth and transparency.
  • Women’s and Men’s Tantric Initiation Days: These are special events designed to introduce participants to the practice of tantric yoga.
  • Bliss Yoga Retreat: This retreat is designed to refresh and evolve your yoga practice. It is a wonderful opportunity to take a deeper look into oneself.
  • Book Release: The Tao of Tantric Yoga: This is a publication by Satyama, the founder of Open to Bliss Retreat, which provides insights into the practice of tantric yoga.
  • Contact & Chat: We offer a direct line of communication for any inquiries or assistance you may need. You can reach us at or through our social media channels.

What is in the package?

When guests book the Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreat in Thailand with Open to Bliss Retreat, they embark on a transformative journey that spans from August 31 to September 6, 2023. The retreat is held at the serene Pachawa Retreat Centre, nestled in the heart of Thailand.

The retreat package is a comprehensive exploration of tantric practices, designed to foster a deep understanding of the intricate mind-body-sex/spirit connection. It is an immersive experience that aims to clear the subconscious system and promote natural health, leading to greater satisfaction in love. The teachings and practices are inspired by Osho’s work and Taoist traditions, providing a rich tapestry of spiritual and physical learning.

In addition to the intensive training, the package includes online sessions that can be customized to the individual's healing, love life, and evolution. These sessions are a path of truth and transparency, where guests can learn Taoist tantric practices and rituals. These practices can help evoke a desired partnership, enhance erotic satisfaction, or develop better communication with partners.

Open to Bliss Retreat is a dynamic company that offers training in various disciplines such as tantra, yoga, Tantric Yoga, and Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage. The Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreat is one of their signature offerings, reflecting their commitment to providing transformative experiences for their guests.


At Open to Bliss Retreat, we prioritize the health and well-being of our guests, and this extends to the food we serve. Our meals are organic and vegetarian, designed to promote mindful eating and healthier living. While the specific menu may vary, here are ten examples of the types of food you might find at our retreat:

  • Fresh fruit salads, featuring a variety of seasonal fruits.
  • Vegetable stir-fry, using a mix of fresh, organic vegetables.
  • Quinoa salad, a protein-rich dish with a variety of vegetables.
  • Lentil soup, a hearty and nutritious option.
  • Green smoothies, packed with leafy greens and fruits.
  • Whole grain bread, served with a selection of homemade jams.
  • Grilled tofu, a delicious source of protein.
  • Roasted vegetable medley, featuring a variety of seasonal vegetables.
  • Chia seed pudding, a healthy and satisfying dessert option.
  • Herbal teas, made from a variety of organic herbs.

These meals not only nourish the body but also contribute to the overall retreat experience, encouraging guests to explore healthier eating habits and understand the energy in food.

Unique Features

Open to Bliss Retreat is a dynamic entity that offers a unique blend of spiritual and physical rejuvenation. Our retreats are designed to provide a deep dive into healing, tantric practices, and a comprehensive understanding of the deeper mind-body-sex/spirit connection. We aim to clear your subconscious system and evolve with natural health for greater satisfaction in love, inspired by Osho’s work and Taoist practices.

Our retreats are not just about physical exercise or yoga for weight loss, but they are about taking a deeper look into oneself. We believe that the desire to improve oneself is a drive that can be harnessed for personal growth and development. Our retreats are designed to help you become more proficient, focused, and attract what you want in your life easily.

We offer a variety of yoga practices including Hatha, Sivananda, Yin, Tantric, and Vinyasa. These sessions can be accessed online on a one-to-one basis, providing flexibility and personal attention to our participants.

In addition to yoga, we also offer Tantric Awakening Sessions. These are customized for your healing, love life, and evolution via the path of truth and transparency. You can learn Taoist tantric practices and rituals to evoke a wanted partnership, erotic satisfaction, or develop better communication with partners.

Another unique feature of our retreat is the Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage. This is a Taoist visceral manipulation bodywork that blends Chinese and Thai massage and meditation techniques. It's an integral part of our training for people wanting to learn about the disciplines of tantra, yoga, and Tantric Yoga.

Our retreats are held in serene locations that allow for the natural rhythms of nature to align your body energetically. The clean air, ocean, and jungle provide a setting for deep rest and rejuvenation.

At Open to Bliss Retreat, we are committed to providing an environment that fosters personal growth and spiritual evolution. Our retreats are more than just a getaway; they are a journey towards self-discovery and self-improvement.


Satyama Lasby
Satyama is the owner of Open to Bliss Productions and the main instructor at Open to Bliss. She offers retreats in yoga, meditation, and tantra,…


Open to Bliss Retreat is nestled in the heart of Thailand, a sanctuary of self-love and healing. Our retreat is a haven of tranquility, surrounded by the natural rhythms of the jungle, ocean, and clean air. It's a place where spirituality and authenticity come alive through meditation and tantric practices. Here, you can immerse yourself in the teachings of Satyama, delve into intensive yoga practices, and experience the transformative power of Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage. Open to Bliss Retreat is not just a location, it's a journey towards a deeper understanding of oneself.

Cancellation Policy

  • A reservation requires a deposit of 30% of the total price.
  • The deposit is non-refundable, if the booking is cancelled.
  • The rest of the payment should be paid on arrival.
You can send your enquiry via the form below.

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

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