7 Days Tantric Fitness Yoga Intensive Retreat, in Thailand

Immerse yourself in the transformative power of the 7 Days Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreat, offered by Open to Bliss Retreat, nestled in the serene landscapes of Thailand. This retreat is a profound journey into healing, tantric practices, and the intricate connection between mind, body, sex, and spirit. It offers an opportunity to clear your subconscious system and evolve with natural health for a more fulfilling love life. Inspired by Osho’s work and Taoist practices, this retreat is a gateway to self-discovery and personal evolution. Join us and experience the blissful union of body, mind, and spirit.

  • Thailand
  • Languages: English, Thai
  • Meals Inluded
  • Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
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Journey Within: Evolving Through Tantric Bliss

Open to Bliss Retreat, under the guidance of Satyama, offers a transformative journey into self-love through a blend of yoga, meditation, and tantra. Our philosophy is rooted in the power of presence, whether silent or active, as the key to unlocking the tantric experience. We believe in the healing potential of our teachings, not as a solution to individual desires, but as a path to rectify disarray within oneself. Our retreats, held in the serene landscapes of Thailand, provide an opportunity for individuals to delve deeper into their spiritual practice, aligning with the natural rhythms of nature for profound rest and evolution.


  • The '7 Days, Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreat' in Thailand is scheduled for August 31-Sept 6, 2023.
  • The retreat is a blend of classical hatha and neo-tantric methodology, following the 5 principles of Tantric Yoga.
  • Participants will learn about yoga asana and pranayama and their connection to chakras, sublimation, bandha work and authentic tantric rituals such as transfiguration or Maituna.
  • The retreat is facilitated by Satyama, an Osho Sanyassin with 14 years of experience.
  • The retreat promotes natural healing through emotional, spiritual and sexual maturation, as well as soul and mind-blowing expansion.
  • The retreat is designed to cater to individuals at different levels in their journey of understanding the path of Love.
  • The retreat includes yoni and lingham education and massage on some of the days, with optional participation.
  • The retreat is held at the Pachawa Retreat Centre in Thailand.
  • The retreat is inspired by Osho’s work and Taoist practices.
  • The retreat is part of the offerings by Open to Bliss, a dynamic company offering training in tantra, yoga, Tantric Yoga and Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage.

Skill Level

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced


At Open to Bliss Retreat, we offer an immersive experience for our guests attending the 7 Days, Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreat in Thailand. Our accommodation is designed to complement the transformative journey of our guests. The retreat package includes food and accommodation, with options for both single and couple registrations. We ensure that our guests' preferences are taken into account upon registration. The serene surroundings of Alentejo provide the perfect backdrop for the retreat, allowing for the natural rhythms of nature to align your body energetically. The first day of arrival includes a dinner and introduction meeting, setting the tone for the week ahead. Our retreat is not just a place to stay, but a space for emotional, spiritual, and sexual maturation, as well as mind-blowing expansion.


At the Open to Bliss Retreat, we offer a variety of amenities, accommodations, and services to ensure a fulfilling and enriching experience for our guests. Here are 10 of them:

  • Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreats
  • Women’s and Men’s Tantric Initiation Days
  • Chi Nei Tsang Level 1 and Level 2 Training
  • Taoist Osho Tantra Training
  • Tantric Yoga Teacher Training
  • Bliss Yoga Retreats
  • Online Sessions 1-1 in various yoga styles including Hatha, Sivananda, Yin, Tantric, Vinyasa
  • Tantric Awakening Sessions
  • Personalized healing, love life and evolution guidance via the path of truth and transparency
  • Training in disciplines of tantra, yoga, Tantric Yoga and Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage.

Transform, Evolve, Enlighten: Pantrix Retreat's Advanced Yoga Journey

Immerse yourself in the transformative power of our intensive Tantric Yoga retreat nestled in the serene landscapes of Thailand. This retreat is a harmonious blend of classical hatha and neo-tantric methodologies, designed to deepen your understanding of yoga asana, pranayama, and their connection to chakras. Experience the profound benefits of sublimation, bandha work, and authentic tantric rituals such as transfiguration or Maituna. Our retreat facilitates natural healing through emotional, spiritual, and sexual maturation, leading to soul and mind-expanding experiences. Regardless of where you are on your journey, we provide a nurturing environment for you to evolve and connect deeply with yourself and others.

Classes and Activities

At the Open to Bliss Retreat's 7 Days, Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreat in Thailand, we offer a variety of classes and activities. Here is a list in bullet point format:
  • Morning practices following the 5 principles of Tantric Yoga
  • Learning about yoga asana and pranayama
  • Understanding the connection of these practices to chakras
  • Sublimation and bandha work
  • Authentic tantric rituals such as transfiguration or Maituna
  • Experiencing the connection of Tantra to Yoga
  • Neo-tantra ways to connect via Osho’s path of teaching experiential learning
  • Natural healing through emotional, spiritual and sexual maturation
  • Soul and mind-blowing expansion
  • Yoni and lingham education and massage on some of the days (participation is optional)

Sample Daily Schedule

Immerse yourself in the transformative journey of the 7 Days Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreat in Thailand, hosted by Open to Bliss Retreat. Experience a blend of classical hatha and neo-tantric methodologies, explore the connection of Tantra to Yoga, and engage in authentic tantric rituals. This retreat is a gateway to emotional, spiritual, and sexual maturation, offering a unique opportunity for soul and mind expansion.

Key Features:

  • Morning practices focused on the 5 principles of Tantric Yoga.
  • Learning about yoga asana and pranayama and their connection to chakras.
  • Exploration of sublimation, bandha work, and authentic tantric rituals such as transfiguration or Maituna.
  • Connection to Neo-tantra ways via Osho’s path of teaching experiential learning.
  • Natural healing through emotional, spiritual, and sexual maturation.
  • Opportunity for soul and mind expansion, leaving you transformed and connected to the group.

What is included:

Immerse yourself in an intensive Tantric Yoga retreat in the serene landscapes of Thailand. This transformative experience combines classical hatha and neo-tantric methodologies, focusing on yoga asana, pranayama, chakras, sublimation, and bandha work. Authentic tantric rituals such as transfiguration or Maituna are integral parts of the retreat. Participants will also explore the connection of Tantra to Yoga and Neo-tantra ways through Osho’s path of experiential learning. The retreat facilitates natural healing through emotional, spiritual, and sexual maturation, leading to soul and mind expansion. Regardless of where you are on your journey, this retreat offers a unique opportunity for personal growth and transformation.

What additional services are available:

At Open to Bliss Retreat, we offer a wide range of services designed to promote healing, self-love, and spiritual growth. Here are 10 additional services that you can avail:

  • Tantra Teacher Training: We provide comprehensive training for those interested in becoming tantra teachers. This program is designed to deepen your understanding of tantra and its practices.
  • Chi Nei Tsang Level 1 and 2: These are specialized training programs focused on Chi Nei Tsang, a type of abdominal massage that promotes physical and emotional healing.
  • Taoist Osho Tantra Training: This training program is inspired by Osho's work and Taoist practices. It aims to help participants clear their subconscious system and evolve with natural health for greater satisfaction in love.
  • Tantric Yoga Teacher Training: This program is designed for those who wish to teach tantric yoga. It provides a deep understanding of the mind-body-sex/spirit connection.
  • Online Sessions 1-1: We offer online sessions in various yoga styles including Hatha, Sivananda, Yin, Tantric, and Vinyasa. These sessions can be booked via Zoom.
  • Tantric Awakening Sessions: These online sessions are customized for your healing, love life, and evolution via the path of truth and transparency. They include learning Taoist tantric practices and rituals.
  • Women’s and Men’s Tantric Initiation Days: These events are designed to introduce participants to the world of tantra, providing them with the tools and knowledge to embark on their own tantric journey.
  • Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreat: This retreat offers a deep dive into healing, tantric practices, and the mind-body-sex/spirit connection.
  • Bliss Yoga Retreat: This retreat is designed to refresh and evolve participants through yoga practices, meditation, and spiritual teachings.
  • Book Release: The Tao of Tantric Yoga: This is a comprehensive guide to tantric yoga, written by our founder, Satyama. It provides insights into the practice and philosophy of tantric yoga.

What is not included:

At Open to Bliss Retreat, we strive to provide a comprehensive and transformative experience for our participants. However, it's important to clarify what our Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreat in Thailand does not include.

  • Tantra Massage: While we do offer Tantra Massage Retreats, this specific service is not included in the Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreat. Participants interested in this service may need to book a separate retreat or training.
  • Chi Nei Tsang Training: Our Chi Nei Tsang Level 1 and Level 2 trainings are not part of the Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreat. These are separate trainings that participants can enroll in if they wish to learn these specific techniques.
  • Taoist Osho Tantra Training: This is a unique deep dive into the Path of Love through a tantric lens. However, this training is not included in the Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreat.
  • Tantric Yoga Teacher Training: While the retreat does involve intensive yoga practice, it does not provide a certification or qualification to teach Tantric Yoga. Those interested in becoming certified teachers should consider our specific Tantric Yoga Teacher Training.
  • Online Satsangs: Our online “satsangs” about Tantric Yoga are not part of the Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreat. These are separate offerings that participants can join remotely.
  • Karsai Nei Tsang and Tantra Massage Retreat: This specific retreat, which includes teachings on asana practice in hatha and yin tantric awareness, pranayama technique and Uddyiana Bandha sublimation work, and more, is not included in the Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreat.

What is in the package?

When guests book the Tantric Yoga Intensive Retreat in Thailand with Open to Bliss Retreat, they embark on a transformative journey that encompasses a comprehensive exploration of the mind-body-sex/spirit connection. This retreat is a profound immersion into healing and tantric practices, designed to clear the subconscious system and foster natural health for enhanced satisfaction in love.

The retreat is inspired by the teachings of Osho and Taoist practices, providing a unique blend of spiritual and physical disciplines. Participants will have the opportunity to delve deep into the realms of tantra and yoga, gaining a thorough understanding of these ancient practices and their relevance to modern life.

Unique Features

Open to Bliss Retreat distinguishes itself through its unique blend of disciplines, offering a transformative experience unlike any other. We specialize in Tantric Yoga and Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage, providing a deep dive into healing and self-discovery. Our retreats are designed to foster a profound connection between mind, body, and spirit, inspired by Osho's work and Taoist practices. We also offer customized Tantric Awakening Sessions, tailored to your personal healing journey and evolution. At Open to Bliss Retreat, we believe in the power of nature's rhythms to align your energy, offering an environment of clean air, ocean, and jungle for deep rest.


Satyama Lasby
Satyama is the owner of Open to Bliss Productions and the main instructor at Open to Bliss. She offers retreats in yoga, meditation, and tantra,…


"Open to Bliss Retreat is nestled in the heart of Thailand, a country renowned for its spiritual richness and natural beauty. Our retreat is a sanctuary of tranquility, where the air is clean, the ocean is nearby, and the jungle surrounds us, providing a deep rest for our guests. We offer a unique blend of tantra, yoga, and Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage, all designed to align your body energetically with the natural rhythms of nature. At Open to Bliss Retreat, we invite you to embark on a radical path of self-love, healing, and authenticity through focused presence and meditation."

Cancellation Policy

  • A reservation requires a deposit of 30% of the total price.
  • The deposit is non-refundable, if the booking is cancelled.
  • The rest of the payment should be paid on arrival.
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You can send your enquiry via the form below.

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